A busy industrial stockyard with multiple stockpiles from an aerial perspective.

Stockpile Measurements & Reporting

Accurate stockpile management maximizes efficiency and cost-effectiveness in mining and aggregates sectors. SmartDrone’s Stockpile Measurement services transform how you track and manage your material assets, providing exact volume measurements quickly and precisely.

Accurate Inventory Tracking with SmartDrone's Stockpile Measurement Services

What we offer:

Initial and Subsequent Site Surveys: We start with a comprehensive aerial survey using our state-of-the-art drones, followed by ongoing collection to track inventory changes. This multi-point assessment provides a clear, accurate depiction of changes over time. By setting this baseline and establishing a true base surface we can ensure consistency throughout subsequent surveys.

Detailed Volumetric Analysis: Using advanced software, we process and precisely quantify the volume of product added or removed, guaranteeing a 1% max volume variance between surveys. This analysis translates into direct actions. Optimize your operations based on accurate data, reduce unnecessary work, and ensure that your projects are completed according to specifications.

Coverage & Safety: Dangerous and hard to access areas of the site pose a huge safety risk to your crew when using terrestrial surveying methods. Drones not only speed up the inventory tracking process, they provide 100% coverage of the site while keeping your crew members safe.

Why Choose SmartDrone?

Streamline Your Stockpile Measuring with SmartDrone

No Interruptions

Tracking inventory volume with a drone means no interruptions to your work. We fly above and your team stays working below.

Tailored Data Insights

Receive tailored reports that fit your specific business needs, providing clear insights and actionable data to support strategic decisions.

Timestamped Reporting

Benefit from our timestamped data collection, ensuring each inventory report is accurately aligned with specific dates and times. This makes the inventory reconciliation and accounting process that much easier.

A Better Way To Measure

Discover the Power of Drones for Volumetrics

Discover how our drone-based volumetric services transform the way you measure and analyze land. Fast, accurate, and cost-efficient volume data collection when and where you need it.


Experience rapid mobilization and swift data collection with SmartDrone Volumetrics. Our industrial mapping drones streamline your volumetric surveying process, delivering detailed results in a fraction of the time it takes traditional methods.


Precision is at the core of SmartDrone Volumetrics. Utilizing cutting-edge drone LiDAR and photogrammetric technology ensures the highest accuracy in mapping and measurement, giving you the confidence to make decisions based on data you can trust.


Cut costs without cutting corners with SmartDrone's efficient volumetric solutions. Our drones cover vast areas quickly, reducing the need for multiple on-ground survey teams and project delays. Minimizing labor and maximizing technology with SmartDrone Volumetrics.

Get On-Demand Drone Volumetrics

Get a free quote for our drone volumetric services and experience a better way to measure.